Mobile Device Game Development explores game development tools and practices for the rapidly growing mobile device market. The text uses the AppForge® MobileVB SDK and Paint Shop Pro® in conjunction with Visual Basic® to create games that can be played on numerous...
REALbasic makes it possible to create full-featured Mac OS and Windows applications. This book/CD-ROM package enables you to learn to program in REALbasic by creating applications instead of reading chapter after chapter on programming topics. You’ll focus on...
Awesome Game Creation: No Programming Required, Second Edition teaches aspiring game developers how to create their own computer games without programming skills, and provides an in-depth understanding of how the game design process works. Using hands-on tutorials and...
Do you find most programming books tedious and frustrating? Do you learn better when following straight-forward examples, especially when learning a new programming language? If so, a book that focuses on developing a complete application in each chapter may be the...
After playing the same levels or flying the same airplane over and over, many avid gamers quickly tire of their games. Now, with gmax supported games, they have a 3D modeling tool that is easy to use, comes with documentation, and includes a common framework that can...